Friday 16 October 2009

5 Simple Tips On How To Go Green

Although more and more people want to find out how to go green, there are still those that think that "all this global warming stuff" is extremely exaggerated or even one gigantic lie. What those inclined towards the second perspective regularly do not realize is that we actually need to go green regardless of how much our CO2 emissions actually affect the environment. 

Because an unavoidable fact is that the people of the industrialized countries have a consumption level that's not sustainable in the long term. It is worked out that 1/5 of the's inhabitants consume 4/5 of all of the resources available. If the planet's complete population where to live in the western lifestyle we might need the natural resources of many planets simply to keep the system going.  The unsymmetrical distribution of natural resources implies that citizens in certain parts of the planet have far too much while people in other areas barely have the essentials needed to get through the day.

It is obviously time to make a change. 

Tuesday 13 October 2009

You Can Help The Environment By Recycling

A good way to have a reduced effect on the eco system is to help the environment by recycling.  The straightforward concept of using particular raw materials several times instead of using it only once and then discarding it, is a smart way of minimizing the pollutants released into the environment while giving purchasers peace of mind at the same time. Properly applied recycling also means savings for both shoppers and manufactures.  

If you're interested by recycled products, it is critical that you do your part.  Recycling is easy. Many regions have free recycling pickup. You can even go to specialized centers and pick up small quantities of money for recycling certain materials. Plastic, paper and aluminum are common targets of recycle programs. 

Stop Global Warming In Its Tracks!

Hi world - just making a first test post to this brand new blog :-)

This blog will be all about what you can do personally to stop global warming. Naturally I will cover many other aspects about being eco friendly in the process.

The whole idea of this blog is to show that there is quite a lot we as individuals can do to reduce our negative impact on the environment and thereby also improve the future for the world's climate.